"I'd rather be an optimist and a fool, than a pessimist and be right." - Albert Einstein
Einstein understood that there was nothing inspiring about being a pessimist. Let's face it, "today is going to be an awful day" does not vogue well in setting the tone for the day. Where your focus goes, your energy flows and what you focus on is what you attract. The whole process starts with choice.
You've heard the phrase success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration. It's the 10 percent drives the other 90 and makes success a possibility. Anyone that accomplished anything in life saw the glass as half full. And yes, for many of you this won't be an easy point of view to accept. Zig Ziglar talks about this in terms of motivation. What he said is "people complain about motivation because it doesn't last. Well,...neither does bathing. That's why we recommend you do both daily."
Being an optimist is a ritual, or a daily routine. If you strive for something different out of life, do something different. Start today with gratitude.
1. I am grateful for a fantastic staff.
2. I am grateful for the abundance of "I love yous" coming from my children.
3. I am grateful for my wife's home baked bread.
4. I am thankful to have been able to spend time with my family this morning.
5. I am grateful for warmer temperatures this week.
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